Welcome to the HICE Contributing Partner Organizations Recognition Page! As a 501c3 non-profit organization, HICE relies on annual contributions from health plans, provider organizations and other health care industry entities to support educational and collaborative activities. This important work could not continue without this funding, and HICE wishes to extend its appreciation and gratitude to the following organizations for their generous contributions for the 2024 fiscal year:

CEO Leadership Circle Criteria

Organization provided the requested maximum contribution amount


Organization has staff either participating on the HICE Board of Directors and/or leading/co-leading a HICE Team or Workgroup

We also sincerely thank these valued partner organizations for their contributions and support:

If your organization is interested in funding HICE activities, or you would like to contribute on an individual basis, please send an e-mail to admin@iceforhealth.org and a Board member will contact you to discuss how you can help further the educational and collaborative efforts of HICE. Contributions to HICE are deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.

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